What is Moonshot?Moonshot at NACET solicits pitches from those ambitious, disruptive innovators whose plans hold commercial possibilities. If accepted, these entrepreneurs and their ideas are put through an educational track geared at developing a minimum viable product or an investment-ready business by the program’s end. We also help other cities create eco-systems of entrepreneurship like we've done in Flagstaff. In short, we help provide assistance to the risk takers and change makers in the West.
What makes Moonshot unique?
Moonshot helped us create a business idea in under two years, prove the business model, grow strategically and now scale to meet the overwhelming global demand for our products and services. |
President John F. Kennedy
As a concept, Moonshot entered our collective consciousness in 1961, when President John F. Kennedy challenged us to envision a world in which an American astronaut could climb aboard a spacecraft, rocket hundreds of thousands of miles into the void, leave his bootprints on the Moon and return safely home. The term "moonshot thinking" was born that day. No one knew how to do it, everything was theoretical, and lives would literally be on the line but the president pledged the full force of America’s talent and treasure to achieve that goal by the decade’s end.
Flagstaff has a rich history of moonshot thinking having hosted Apollo astronauts who were training for what they would find when they landed on the moon. We're proud to adopt moonshot thinking in our everyday operations as well as our name, Moonshot at NACET. PHOTO: On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced his goal of putting a man on the moon by the end of the decade. Photo credit: NASA.