Hey Flagstaff Entrepreneurs! Compete for $5,000 in cash prizes to grow your business!
The 2020 Innovate Waste & PPE Challenge is Going VIRTUAL!
Join us for Flagstaff's annual sustainability competition featuring entrepreneurs who convert waste into marketable products. This year, we found ourselves having to pivot to an ALL virtual contest in response to COVID19 and the need for social distancing. To make that happen, the City of Flagstaff partnered with Moonshot at NACET to bring 2020 Innovate Waste and PPE challenge all online.
AND we are also adding a category in 2020 to include Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)!
Check out all of the details below...
To apply and compete to win $5,000 in cash prizes, you must either have:
A company or product that diverts waste from the City of Flagstaff landfill and converts that waste into a marketable product, process, or service.
A company or product that creates Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, gowns, hand sanitizers, etc.
How It All Works
Applications open on November 1st.
To learn more about how to apply, scroll below.
You'll be asked to fill out the application form AND
You will need to submit a 2-minute video on YouTube where you explain your product/service that helps divert waste from the landfill and/or is a PPE product. More on this below in HOW TO APPLY.
Once you've submitted your online application, Moonshot at NACET will pair you with one of the many Moonshot at NACET mentors and coaches. These mentors will help you craft your business/product "pitch" (think Shark Tank) and offer advice on how to start or accelerate your business/ideas while competing to win your share of the $5,000 in cash prizes and Moonshot entrepreneur scholarships valued at $3,000.
After you've connected with mentors, you'll make edits to your pitch and we will help you re-record the pitch on Zoom.
Moonshot will air your finished video pitch on December 10th and 11th during Moonshot's Makers and Shakers online event.
The 2020 Innovate Waste & PPE Challenge winner(s) will be announced LIVE on-air at approximately 6PM at moonshotaz.com. Judges are made up of sustainability experts from the City of Flagstaff.
November 1 - November 23
Applications Open
November 23
Applications Close
November 23-December 5
Applicants work with Moonshot mentors to refine their pitch.
December 10-11
Applicant's pre-recorded pitch videos are aired during Moonshot's Makers and Shakers online event at moonshotaz.com.
December 11
2020 Innovate Waste Challenge & PPE Challenge Winner(s) are announced LIVE on air at approximately 6pm.
How to Apply
To apply, candidates must (1) submit an online application and (2) post a 2-minute pitch video about their product or service that helps divert waste from the City of Flagstaff landfill and/or PPE products.
Applicants will need to explain their start-up idea/product/service, what they feel their unique selling proposition is, and why their product is better than what is already on the market.
Step One Create a 2-minute pitch video, and post it on YouTube.
Step Two Complete our application form below by November 23.